About Us

Our worship services are at 10:30
a.m. on Sunday mornings and are livestreamed  on YouTube.

The United Church is one congregation fully related to the Presbyterian Church
and the United Methodist Church. We have been united since July 22, 1969 when the United Methodist and Presbyterian congregations of Two Harbors merged to form one congregation.

The Presbyterian presence in Two Harbors goes back to 1887 and was the first
congregation to form in this town with the help of the First Presbyterian
Church of Duluth. The Methodists formed a congregation shortly thereafter in

United is known for our outreach to the community and the world. We are
truly a congregation that thinks globally and acts locally. We are especially
active in missions related to hunger relief.

The United Church is part of the Reconciling Congregations Network
and we welcome LGBT Christians as full partners in ministry in our

Our current building was formerly the First Presbyterian Church which was built in 1906. The beautiful stained glass windows are original with the building and were lovingly restored in 2008.

If you are new to our congregation and have questions please feel free to talk to an usher or contact our office.

Our building is handicap accessible with a street level entrance on the
northwest corner of the building, across from the library.  There is a
lift that goes down to the Fellowship Hall in that corner of the building as
well.  Handicap accessible restrooms are located on the main floor and
lower level.

Whatever your background – Presbyterian, United Methodist, Other, or None of
the Above – we welcome all to serve as followers of Jesus Christ!


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